About Me

Hi there! My name is Ashley Nicole Bradley and I am running for Edmond’s City Council Ward 1 Seat. I was born and raised in Guthrie, OK, lived in DFW for a few years and have been living in Edmond for the past 7+ years. From a young age, I’ve been interested in how cities are run and how even the smallest public office politics directly and indirectly affect our lives and the communities we belong to.

I decided to seize the opportunity to run after learning Ward 1 had one candidate running unopposed. I believe that the people of Edmond deserve a choice, they deserve at bare minimum an option to choose from in an election.

In 2021, I took part in the “Expand Hafer” movement and am forever grateful to have shared the overwhelming victory of saving the land next to the park (81% of the vote was in favor of purchasing this land). Not only did we get the victory in saving this land from development, but we also generated a surplus from the one-year tax, benefiting the entire community. It was this movement that helped contribute to my decision to run for City Council, with the expectation that I will continue to help be a voice for the preservation of Edmond and keeping with our motto “A great place to grow”.

A little bit on my work experience. For the past nine years, I’ve been working in data analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry. Working with multiple departments and ensuring proper communication is a task I’m well suited for and have much experience with. I’ve been involved with several departments and groups throughout my O&G time, most recently my focus has been on Infrastructure, Facilities and overall Operations. Not only can I understand road design and needs, I can also understand the procurement side of projects, as I also manage and maintain all procurement needs for my group. Prior to my O&G time, I’ve been extremely fortunate to learn a multitude of skills and have had the ability to work in very different industries. These include Accounting, Regulatory/Permitting, Legal, Managerial, Marketing, and Hospitality.

The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.
— J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan